Thursday, August 18, 2011

Traveling to Madrid! and Madrid Day One

This was supposed to be posted two days ago but we could not because of internet issues.

Howdy From Madrid!

Traveling to Madrid 
After a 7 hour bus ride we finally arrived at our Hotel at Madrid yesterday around 4:30 pm. These pictures are from our travels.


We stopped at a little road side station for Lunch - I had a meat empanada - it was fantastic.

Katie and Hannah in a position that makes my neck hurt just looking at it. (Credit to Raul and Kade for bringing this to my attention)
Our friends from Ireland that we met at the gas station on the road to Madrid. 

This Morning we set out to explore the city of Madrid: 
We actually ended up getting a little more than we bargained for and will be making sure that we bring more water and snacks for our future expeditions to the city's center. ( You can ask Kade and Raul about their nauseating experiences if you want more details).  We had originally planned on heading into see the Prado art museum in the center of Madrid but by the time we navigated the Metro ( subway) system and got our bearing and walked to the entrance the line was too long for us to get in before we had to return in order to go to the Mass this evening. The opening Mass was celebrated by the Cardinal-archbishop of Madrid and concelebrated by thousands of priests and bishops from throughout the world who made the journey to Madrid. After Mass we had dinner and came back to the hotel - as it was nearly Midnight by the time we returned. Here are some pictures:

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